5 Goodluck & Health Benefits Of Indoor Money Plants

Brainmail Diaries
3 min readApr 13, 2022

A money plant is known by many names around the world such as Devil’s Ivy, Pothos, Ceylon Creeper, and Hunter’s Robe. Whatever the name be, it is considered to be healthy and auspicious in many cultures including Chinese and Indian. It is supposed to attract wealth & positive energy and has many health benefits too.

RelatedHow To Grow Healthy And Bushy Money Plants Inside The House

Let’s examine the most prominent benefits of growing money plants inside the house.

1. Green Corner — Well nurtured money plants can create a soothing green patch that can instantly enhance the aesthetics of any house. They can be used as space fillers. They fit in anywhere and blend in with any décor. They can liven up a living room or make a bedroom very soothing. A pot of money plant placed on your desk, brings a lot of positive energy. They are refreshing to look at, day or night, and their bright colored leaves elevate your mood instantly.

2. Air Purifier — Being blessed with broad green leaves, this plant does a lot of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces oxygen as a byproduct which is good for us. Besides being a natural oxygenator, money plant traps a lot of airborne pollutants while scrubbing the carbon dioxide from the ambient air. A large and healthy money plant like the one shown in the picture above, can purify almost the same volume of air as a medium sized air purifier.

3. Radiation Filter — Money plant is a succulent plant with a lot of water in its thick stem and broad leaves. It also forms a lot of bulk, if grown properly. These properties make it an excellent shield for filtering out harmful radiations emitted by wifi routers, mobile phones and other wireless equipment. It can be placed near wi-fi routers to protect children and the elderly from the damaging effect of the harmful radiations emitted by these devices.

4. Goodluck Charm — According to Feng Shui, for those who believe, money plant creates energies that strengthen marital relationships and helps in sorting out any existing relationship related problems at home. Indian culture on the other hand believes money plants enhance the Vaastu of the house that brings health, wealth and happiness.

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5. Prosperity — Money plant, as the name suggests, is considered to bring a lot of prosperity. It does not do any magic with money, but brings health, wealth, and happiness by helping you maintain a positive posture towards life and work. Placing a money plant on your desk helps to remain productive and creative. It stimulates your senses and helps in taking good decisions. Money plant brings freshness to a workstation, making it a vibrant place and helping you remain calm and peaceful throughout the day.

The plant is easy to grow and requires very low maintenance. It is quite forgiving to the novice gardeners and its benefits, as mentioned above far outweigh the efforts to maintain it indoors.

Further ReadingHow To Create Love & Positive Energy At Home

“When Plants Bloom, So does Hope” — Lady Bird Johnson

Originally published at https://www.brainmaildiaries.com on April 13, 2022.



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